Go To Yourself


Go to Yourself shares an approach to overcoming life challenges called the ACTive method. At its core is Rabbi Israel Salanter’s unique approach to creating personal transformation, which is based on three steps: Awareness, Control and Transformation.


Go to Yourself shares an approach to overcoming life challenges called the ACTive method. At its core is Rabbi Israel Salanter’s unique approach to creating personal transformation, which is based on three steps: Awareness, Control and Transformation.

Awareness – gaining insight into ourselves
Control – taking conscious control over our inner negative tendencies
Transformation – transforming our negative tendencies to follow freely the wishes of the true inner self

Part I of the book shares its theoretical basis: It describes the nature of the psyche, the roots of psychological problems, Rabbi’s Salanter’s three-stage approach, and how Judaism and modern psychotherapy can assist in its application.

Part II describes the practical application of the ACTive method in three key areas of life: self, relationships and spirituality. It addresses the challenges of overcoming anxiety, anger and depression, developing better self-esteem as well as enhancing love, meaning and spirituality.